Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I've had a lot of people (including myself) ask if Reeve looks like Jack did when he was a baby.  Below is the best comparison pictures I could find.  Pretty close huh?  Eyes/nose are slightly different.  And yes, that would be the same outfit on the both of them.  We have spent little to nothing on clothes for baby Reeve.  He alas will have the curse of a younger/middle child, hand-me-downs for life. :)



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer so far

It has been hot, hot, hot here in the TC so below are a few pictures of what we do when it's too warm to do anything else!

We play with water (Thanks Poppa & Mimi!)

We help Poppa Jon build a sandbox

We run outside!!

We watch big brother run outside!

We pick raspberries at Mama-Lou's house (and get them all over everything)!

We get carried around by Mama

We pick up trash at the park...because that's what all 2-year olds like to do right?

We sit in the car seat

We swing!

We hang out with each other because we are brothers after all :)

We pretend we are bugs!

We practice tummy time...or not.

We go on walks


Family of 4: Month 3

Just one of those days...

My little loves

Big Brother

Yes, I do smile, Mama just isn't good at getting it on camera!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Family of 4: Month 2

 This video pretty much sums up most of month 2 :)

Family of 4: Month 1

I'm alive! Reeve turns 3 months old in a few days and I finally feel like we are hitting a groove as a family of 4.  I apologize for the absence... (I know I promised I would post soon Grandma!). 

So here it goes...fitting 3 months of our life in a few posts! 

Reeve slept a lot the first couple weeks.

So big brother Jack did a lot of waiting.  He is doing really well with the transition, doesn't know life without his baby brother "Ree".

Then Reeve did some more sleeping...

So Mama and J took silly pictures together to keep us busy ;)