Sunday, June 5, 2011

Exploring the Unknown

The season has arrived when Jack finds great happiness in opening every drawer, cabinet, box or trash can. It started off slow but now we are in full-on baby-proofing mode. I bought a few boxes of cabinet locks and proceeded to try to attach them myself. 2 hours later, I finished with one of our entertainment center drawers (the one where Jack seems to slam his fingers into daily). And yes, you did read that right, 2 hours! Let's just say that we now have about 5 extra drill holes in the drawer. Oops. And I found out afterward that I baby-proofed it so well that it is now ADULT-proofed because we can no longer open the drawer. Oh well, we don't watch any of our movies that much anyway.

The one area where we decided to not put any locks on the cabinets is in the bathroom. We figured we can just keep the door shut. Well, this works, except for when someone forgets to close the door or when we need to use the bathroom. For example, this morning I needed to get in there to grab a ponytail holder and the minute, I mean the MINUTE, I open that door Jack comes sprint-crawling across the living room yelling with excitement to get in there. The absolute joy he finds in throwing open the cabinet doors and grabbing our toothpaste, soap, brushes, feminine products (ahem, sorry) and other toiletry items is incredible. He doesn't really do anything with them except throw them across the room and make a huge mess. I was thinking about it this morning and I thought it must be like opening presents or exploring the unknown. Shoot, if I was him, I would probably enjoy pulling floss out of the box too!

Happiness can be found in the smallest of things. That is the lesson I have learned today.

1 comment:

  1. So you're saying its a GOOD thing I got him this box of tampons for his first birthday? Great. I never made it to the toy section of Target.
