Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It's been awhile since I've blogged. But, I promise, I have a good excuse.

We have a new baby on the way! Due date is April 5th. Some people may think we are crazy for having kids so close together but we consider it a blessing (most days) and are super excited to meet our little one and for Jack to be a big brother.

I've been in the middle of first trimester fun. Sick in the morning, naps, sick in the evening. This pregnancy compared to my first seems to be a little harder. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I can't sleep whenever I want! I have to keep up with my spirited 1-year old. I'm about 12 weeks along and starting to feel better so hopefully the energy will get boosted soon!

My next excuse for not blogging until now is that we just got over the entire family having the stomach flu. Oh my. Not fun. At all. Thank you mom and dad for cleaning up my throw-up and other bodily fluid messes growing up. Seriously, Michael and I kind of feel like super-parents after going through that experience. I don't know what we would do without the help of our family! THANK YOU!!!

So cheers to new beginnings, new mercies every morning and new babies!

1 comment:

  1. Oh congrats on the second baby!!!! Having them close together is a lot of work for the first year or so, but then they are best buddies for life!!!

    Hope that you guys stay well for a long time (stomach flu is so nasty!) and that the energy-rich second trimester hits soon! :-)
